
extracted tooth

all things done within 2 hours.
actually should be only one hour,
it took 1 hour for me to wait~~

x-ray 70 -- less than 2 mins
teeth moulds 80
cleaning the teeth 50
extract one tooth 80

DR. hanisah told me i lost one tooth at the lower jaw
--yes~~one stupid dentist extracted my tooth when i was young
nope, shouldnt scold him like tht...he is jz nt so pro~~ ><
Dr. hanisah said...it's wasted to extract tht tooth

need to extract one more tooth at the upper jaw~~
lower part is jz nice to put the braces, no need to extract any

now got four shorts string distributed apart inside my mouth
to make the hole bigger - to put the braces~~

gonna start wearing braces nez nez week~~
omg~~it's really too fast huh?!!
i jz couldn't imagine !!

i took my extracted tooth back!!!
omg~~kesiannya~~healthy tooth =)

i gonna be 21st soon....

6 条评论:

  1. be prepared for the pain!

  2. haha zhenyu
    u dun scared her la
    not pain de
    i never feel the pain at all!
    oh btw
    y u took back ur tooth?
    to keep???

  3. ya~~keep for my whole life haha
    haiz~~scare still scare la
    one more to extract~~
    3 years to go~~

  4. haha ! yaya xiao mi dun lie also xD
    a bit also dun have ??

  5. haha zhenyu really de la
    i really din feel the pain be4 ><
    wenhui believe me!

  6. haha~~
    i do believe u~~
    bt i still scare~~
    i think depends on de worhahaaha
